omstrip Applications

Find out how to apply the Omstrip strip to find relief from the most common pains or to obtain the best sports performance

general application

The peculiarity of Omstrip, which differentiates it from all other products on the market, is that it is easy to apply, you can do it yourself. In general, regarding pain, we always recommend applying a patch on the exact point where you feel pain. For overall well-being, or in any case a general application that is always good, we recommend applying the patches as shown in the image in part.

If you need advice or particular needs that you do not find on this page, please write to us at this address:

omstrip therapy wellness application

Neck pain that often manifests itself with pain and headache, dizziness and/or nausea. Apply two Omstrips as per the scheme.
Maintain for 72 hours and then replace for 2/3 consecutive applications.

cervicalgia bilaterale

Cervical pain radiating to the arm. Apply two Omstrips as per the scheme.
Maintain for 72 hours and then replace for 2/3 consecutive applications.


Pain on the inside of the elbow, in case of internal pain place an Omstrip as starting from the internal tubercle.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.


Pain on the outside of the elbow or inside, apply the patch as shown in the photo, turning a little behind the elbow.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.


Usually anterior but if the pain occurs behind move the application to the corresponding posterior part.
Apply two Omstrip as per the scheme for 72 hours and then replace for 2/3 consecutive applications.

tendinite spalla

Pain limited to the lower back area. Apply two Omstrips as per the scheme in the paravertebrals.
Maintain for 72 hours and then replace for 2/3 consecutive applications.


Apply a patch to the painful area and replace after 72 hours.

dolore anca

Pain radiating from the lower back into the buttock or leg and/or calf.
Apply the Omstrips as shown in the photo and then replace them after 72 hours.


Apply one Omstrip to the medial part of the knee up to below the kneecap.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.

dolore interno ginocchio

Apply an Omstrip wrapping the patella up to the lateral edge of the knee.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.

dolore esterno ginocchio

Apply one Omstrip along the Achilles tendon from the end of the heel toward the calf.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.

tendine di achille

Usually of traumatic origin apply an Omstrip from malleolus to malleolus as shown in the image.
Repeat the application internally after 72 hours.

dolore caviglia

omstrip Sport performance Application

– Along the sartorius line
– At D12 level
– Across the calves
– Optional: from trapezius to deltoid to address shoulders


– Transversal on D12
– On the forearm
– Optional: sartorial line


– Along the sartorial line
– Across D12
– Optional: Across the calves


– Along the direction of the sartorius
– From the sacroiliac to the trochanter
– Optional: across the calves

– Longitudinal on C7
– Transversal on D12
– Along the sartorius line
– Along the calf line


– Longitudinal on C7
– Longitudinal on D7


– Lumbar area at level 12 transverse.
– Level C7 transverse
– From the epicondyle diagonally towards the forearm
– two patches diagonally above the kneecap starting from the inner area and going up diagonally.


– Longitudinal on C7
– Along the quadriceps femoris


– Transverse at D12
– Longitudinal on C7
– Along the shoulders
– Along the quadriceps femoris


– Transverse at D12
– Longitudinal on C7
– Trapezius to deltoid to manage shoulders


– Longitudinal on C7
– Along the calves

Volley - Basket

– Longitudinal on C7
– Along the calves

Volley - Basket

– Longitudinal on C7
– Transversal on D12
– Along the sartorius line
– Along the calf line


Frequently asked Questions

The specific effects of the Omstrip patch are given by the F7 gel matrix contained in the screen printing. The tape, only 10cm long, only acts as a support and the public is not given the possibility of creating the tensions typical of the kinesiotape technique.

Professionals in the sector, through the 5m roll, can combine the advantages of the two techniques.

The product is not to be considered doping as it does not alter the biochemical levels of the organism.

Omstrip is used for small daily ailments and by those who do sports as a constant application during training. To optimize the effects during competitions, it is suggested to switch to specific applications.

On the same page you can find the Therapy and Sport specific applications depending on the type of pain or sport practiced.

The particular patent has allowed to balance different stimulation frequencies to obtain the greatest therapeutic or sporting effects.

The studies and tests carried out have highlighted a notable balancing of the loads both in static and dynamic posture, translating the effects into energy and postural savings. The stabilometric platform highlights a reduction in the balance range with positive effects on joints and myotendinous structures. The pedalling balancing tests demonstrate a levelling towards the equalisation of the load thrusts, making the gesture more effective.

As for the Therapy application, it is recommended to use the strip for up to 72 hours. Repeat the application 2/4 times, allowing the skin to breathe for at least half a day and checking that there is no redness caused by personal intolerance to the glue. During training or competitions, it is recommended to apply the Omstrip strips at least a few hours before the performance.

For a better adhesion of the patch, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the skin, round the corners with scissors and rub the strip gently to improve its adhesion and to activate the properties of the F7 gel. The presence of thick hair can compromise the adhesion of the patch.